Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse in Weaverville is almost complete with Wal-Mart not trailing too far behind. Some of the smaller stores that were to follow are not moving forward as of yet... but they will soon... or someone will! This is such a great location with Madison County, Tennessee, and Asheville so readily accesible. This move will also add to the value of land in North Buncombe and Madison County as well. Welcome To Weaveville, North Asheville, The New City!
I give all credits to YOU!!! I as well as you know that this will HELP not HURT the town of weaverville. Now in order to pull all of those people our way and also shop the local stores is to put up signs that say "more great shopping and dining this way!"
What's up with calling it Weaverville and North Asheville? Theyre not the same and there's a whole town between them.
Still its one big trade area. Even though your right about the Weaverville and north asheville thing but if you look @ the trade region north asheville is clearly the winner here.
Northridge commons' outparcels are available for purchase.
One of the reasons I loved Weaverville was the fact it had
NO WALMART.. I don't like the fact that Rose's and Ace Hardware are going to have to compete with them..Three cheers for small stores here in Weaverville!
you can always move to MARS HILL or MARSHALL if you dont like having a town with NO WALMART. Listen, Erwin Tn has a walmart and GUESS WHAT: all of their small businesses are still in BUSINESS! So think BEFORE you act!
This coming to weaverville is GREAT even with a town with STRICT people hating walmart. This is progress and if you dont like it, then you can ALWAYS leave where they HATE progress. Sure, traffic and Light/noise pollution is gonna reake BUT everything has PROS and CONS!!! I guess people like trailer park trash like ROSES
is it open yet?
I hate big stores like wal-mart. They are terrible because they leave small stores in the dust. Now Roses, Food Lion, and other small stores will likely go out of business. One of the reasons most people like Weaverville is because it is a small town. We don't want it to grow bigger. We like our small town heritage.
If you don't want this rampant growth: endorse responsible population growth and participate in more appropriate immigration policy. This country went from 100 million to over 300 million in 30 years.You can't continue to grow at this rate and still have small quaint lifestyles. Do some research and find out he actual scale of population and commerce then make your choice.
It now seems that since walmart and lowes is here more business has picked up in the small stores that everyone was afraid to go out of business. Everytime I go thru weaverville, main street and the existing small businesses on weaver blvd. is booming with business. Just look at north myrtle beach, they have a super walmart that stays busy all the time and they also have a ROSES, that walmart has been there for over 8 years, and yet they have NOT closed their doors!!!!!
(walmart has been there for over 8 years, and yet they have NOT closed their doors!!!!!) Correction: what I meant was walmart has NOT closed ROSES' doors!
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